Sustainability Code 4. Respect for Property

Gateway to Adventure


Respect access to property and the condition of the property. Be considerate of the owner’s concerns:


1. Request access and permission from the private landowners
2. Check that no other beach user is adversely affected by your activity.
3. Close Gates after you.
4. Pick up litter and dispose of it responsibly. Bananas, orange peels and tea bags are non-native and attract vermin. Banana and orange skins can take 2 years to biodegrade. 1,000 banana skins were collected from Ben Nevis in 2009!
5. Be respectful of animals in fields. Do they have young? Will you disturb them?
6. Lead by example! Be the change you want to see in others!


“Freedom and property rights are inseparable, you cant have one without the other”

Your smile, your footprint, your parking, your trace – will all determine whether you and other recreational water users can continue to enjoy your time on the water.


Suggested Reading: There is an ongoing debate and some call for legislation for the right to roam in Ireland as in other European countries. It is a contentious issue and an interesting area for debate you may find the following interesting to read.

KIO was formed 1994 by a group including farmers in the West of Ireland – in response to the fencing off and sub-division of 2,400 acres of commonage. A High Court Case and an Oral Hearing of An Bord Pleanála in Castlebar resulted in preventing the fencing off the commonage. KIO has dedicated itself to the preservation and creation of rights of access to the countryside. This includes rights of access to our mountains, lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. KIO brings together the various recreational bodies that share the same aim. They have many individual members, and their mandate has been recognised by authorities and they are increasingly being consulted directly by government and local authorities on access and related matters.